Icom IC-7300 is already available in Japan and indeed it’s surprisingly affordable. Fujimusen (translation) has the 100W version in stock and it sells for 150984 yen including taxes, wich is 1325 USD / 1183 EUR / 916 GPB.
Indeed, Icom chose for the IC-7300 a very agressive market position, the Icom IC-7100 being listed for 170640 yen and the Yaesu FT-991 189000 Yen on the same shop. But this is not all, because one other large japanese shop (Yamamoto) listed the Icom IC-7300 on Amazon Japan (translation) for 128000 yen (1124 USD / 1003 EUR / 776 GPB), with availability starting Feb 26th, (Yaesu FT-991 is 149580 yen).
The main reason I wouldn’t order right now from them would be that japanese versions do not include the 70MHz band.
Wouldn't it be reasonable to assume the 4m band will be disabled just in software it being SDR and all? I'd expect it will be possible to unlock the band for use in Europe.
Not sure, it may lack 70MHz BPF/LPF filtering as well.