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FLEX-6300 – a more affordable 6000 series model from FlexRadio

FLEX-6300 Signature Series is the latest model from FlexRadio. A baby brother to the already established Flex-6500 and Flex-6700 SDR transceivers, the Flex-6300 is the more affordable one (if you can call US$2500 affordable), with a bit less options but still packing some punch.

It still works the same way as the bigger brothers, uses the same software, comes with most of the same features and tries to offer great performance. You loose some of the creature comforts (only 2 slice recievers compared to 4 or 8, only 7Mhz spectrum view compared to 14MHz), some connectivity (the extra BNC connector/s for antenna are gone, so is the balanced mic input), audio bandwidth is only 96KHz instead of 192KHz and it only covers 100KHz to 54MHz, so no 4m or 2m bands.

Furthermore, the external GPS reference input or the small front display are gone, so are the preselectors and the ATU is optional (for US$300 more). What is still there is the powerful frontend 16-bit ADC – albeit now running at half the speed, 122.88 MHz. The figure presented for “spurious and image rejection ratio” is only 80dB, significantly lower that the “over 100dB” for the Flex-6500/6700.

Is it worth it ? Can’t say, but I sure was hoping for no compromise in the dynamic range. Anyway, until we have some real tests and review, we can glance over to the FlexRadio website, where you can find detailed specs and more documentation.

Razvan: Interested in computers, electronics, building radio equipment, portable/SOTA operations and SDR. I think amateur radio is all about building, experimenting and testing new stuff. Licensed M0HZH / YO9IRF.
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